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Let’s glorify God, rely on His strength, and achieve the impossible together through His Spirit within us!

In my blog, we talk about how to live a life strengthened with God's power and ability in your every day life.

How? Through relationship with God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; by applying the wisdom He provides in Scripture to every area of life.


Faith & Fitness Journey

January 16, 20258 min read

“But God’s amazing grace has made me who I am! And his grace to me was not fruitless. In fact, I worked harder than all the rest, yet not in my own strength but God’s, for his empowering grace is poured out upon me.” (1 Corinthians 15:10, TPT)

Dear Friend,

Our physical health is a reflection of our intimacy with God.

How can that be true? Well, the Bible tells us:

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John 1:2 (KJV)

This verse tells us that God desires that we prosper and be in health through a prosperous soul.

How does our soul prosper?

Well, our soul is made up of our mind, will, and emotions. As we renew our mind with God's Word, and align our life with His will, then our soul aligns with our born-again spirit and we begin to reflect God in everything we do (Rom. 12:1-2). This is why the continual renewal of our minds is so important. We actually begin to look more like Jesus (2 Cor. 3:17-18)! And it's not based out of works and efforts in order to please God. God is already pleased with us!

Our decisions and lifestyle choices are an effortless fruit of our time with Him.

If we are drastically unhealthy and our body is suffering, I submit to you that you need to hear Jesus on this matter because this is not His will for you.

If you go to the Lord and ask Him how you're doing in your health, He will give you wisdom and show you how to steward your vessel for His glory.

God has an answer (practical wisdom) for every area of our life—including our health. If any area of our life is hurting and lacking, the Word is always the answer. And within the Word is the wisdom and grace we need to see transformation in that area of our life. Trust me, I've tested and tried this time and time again; in my health, marriage, relationships, finances, career, and life purpose. Whenever I've had a need, God's Word led me to His best for my life, and it just keeps getting better.

But I didn't start there. I remember what it feels like to be constantly thinking about my health; distracted about my decisions on a daily basis. My finances were suffering because I was eating out all the time. My relationship with God was suffering because I avoided this topic and I wouldn't allow Him to touch this area of my life. I wasn't willing to change for God's glory, and it created a partition in my life of spiritual growth. God wasn't mad at me—He loved me fully! However, my lack of trusting Him held me back from going deeper in my relationship with God, and limited me in fulfilling my purpose.

This is true for any area of our life where we choose not to trust God. 

You will continue to grow and bear fruit to the degree that you're trusting God—in every area of your life. If you're holding something back from Him, then you're not accessing the fullness of what God has for you.

Change can be difficult if you avoid it like the plague. Or, you can embrace it. Change your mind about the way you think about change.

Instead of viewing change as difficult, scary, and uncomfortable, view it as exciting! Look at change as if you're growing and entering into new territory in life!

When you examine every area of your life with God and ask Him how you're doing, He will give you an honest, gentle answer, and He will give you a battle plan to improve! 

Whenever God gives you a strategic plan for your life, follow Him! You always have the victory when you hear from God and adapt your lifestyle accordingly.

I rely on the Lord for my physical health every day. God has brought me through so much—overcoming drug addiction, smoking, eating disorders (overeating, under eating, unhealthy eating), and complete ignorance when it comes to stewarding my life and body.

Step by step, He has taught me how to care for my body—His temple—and He’s made it simple. No dieting. No rigid programs. Just balance, moderation, and asking Him for guidance every day. He continually helps me and leads me to success in this area. Just like He does in my marriage, relationships, career, and finances. Health is no different!

This is the heartbeat behind our New You Fitness Journey. We’ve taken the guesswork out of health and fitness, so all you have to do is show up!

And I’m happy to report to you, that people’s lives are being changed by the Fitness Journey! Members reported that by the grace of God, they’re working out more consistently than they ever have before, their bodies are being healed, they’re stronger than ever, and their able to increase the amount of weights they’re lifting after only a short time in the program. Glory to God! These are some powerful testimonies after only having the program live for three months!

God cares about your health and He wants to help you get healthier!

Here’s a quick tip to analyze your current fitness regimen: If you’re not feeling sore after your strength training workouts, chances are you’re not seeing optimum results in your physical health.

Our workout programs are designed to help you do exactly that! We help you build stamina and a strong foundation safely—and see continuous results! Then, month by month, we show you how to adapt your workouts to KEEP seeing results, whether you’re a beginner or seasoned in fitness. All you need is a couple hand weights at home!

Here’s an overview of our 12-month, beginner-friendly program:

  • Stability Strength

  • Strength Endurance

  • Hypertrophy

  • Supersets

  • Compound Exercises

  • Pyramid Progression

  • Power Movements

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Abdominal and Core Circuits

  • Stretching for recovery and flexibility

These amazing benefits are also included:

  • Nutrition tips to support your fitness journey (recipes coming soon!)

  • Supportive community of likeminded believers

  • A weekly accountability text message from Erin

  • Quarterly Zoom meetings and Q&A sessions with Erin and our Fitness Journey community

  • An Online Member Portal to track your progress

  • And more!

During your Fitness Journey membership, each month of exercise focuses on a specific area of fitness, allowing you to build a solid foundation and then continuously challenge yourself as you move through the program. We help you achieve steady, sustainable progress—helping you build strength, balance, endurance, and confidence over time. But it doesn’t stop there! We integrate faith-filled encouragement and truth into every step, strengthening your spiritual walk alongside your fitness journey.

This program is worth far more than $10 a month, but we believe that faith and fitness should be accessible to everyone. We don’t want anyone excluded from the ability to live a whole, healthy life in their spirit, soul and body!


Because your health is crucial to your overall satisfaction in life. When you’re healthy, you can love and serve the people around you better! And, you will live a longer life on the earth, fulfilling your God-given purpose with momentum.

When God led me to begin taking small steps towards a consistent, healthy lifestyle, I saw improvements in every area of my life! My relationship with God improved and so did my relationship with others (and myself)! I grew in joy, peace, and confidence; I became more rooted in my Christ-centered identity, and I became more effective as an employee and a minister. Being healthy allowed me to focus on things that were most important in my life, instead of always being distracted about being overweight, underweight, and unhealthy.

“Have you forgotten that your body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in you? You don’t belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary. You were God’s expensive purchase, paid for with tears of blood, so by all means, then, use your body to bring glory to God!” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, TPT)

You don’t have to wait any longer to make your health a priority with Jesus. Just 20 minutes a day can transform your life. Let’s commit to this together in 2025!

Sign up today for only $10/month at NewYouMinistries.com/fitness. If you have questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page where we answer everything with more detail for you.

Here are more ways you can go deeper in this topic, grow spiritually, and share it with your friends!

Here’s to empowering your life and elevating your fitness!

Stay Strong in Christ,

P.S. Don’t wait—2025 is your year for transformation! Let’s get started.

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Erin Weisbrodt

Erin has a passion for helping others see their life transformed through the Word of God. Erin's personal journey, a remarkable transformation ignited by the power of God working from within, has inspired her to create resources that will help others experience the same freedom and transformation found in Jesus Christ. With a heart full of hope, Erin desires to empower others worldwide, sharing her experiences and offering a guiding light to those who dream of a life filled with purpose, joy, and divine transformation.

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