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Let’s glorify God, rely on His strength, and achieve the impossible together through His Spirit within us!

In my blog, we talk about how to live a life strengthened with God's power and ability in your every day life.

How? Through relationship with God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; by applying the wisdom He provides in Scripture to every area of life.

Look at Jesus

Look What God Has Done!

February 19, 20254 min read

"This was the LORD's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes." Psalms 118:23 (NKJV)

Dear Friend,

Thirteen years ago today is when I walked into a treatment center in Nashville, TN, and my life was forever changed.

It wasn’t because I did everything perfectly or never made a mistake—no, it was quite the opposite. It was only because I truly surrendered my life and choices to God, and continued to do so everyday for the next 13 years.

Over the past 13 years, God has delivered me from hell, drug addiction, mental health issues, major identity crises, and everything else you could imagine. I’m so grateful…beyond grateful and beyond words.

I thank God constantly for saving me and for His grace working in my life. I know I can't do anything well without God.

It's hard to think about the past and all the difficult things I experienced; the things that I put others through who were close to me. It's hard to believe that I did so many horrible things for so many years.

But today, none of that clings to me because God has so completely healed and restored it all.

What does cling to me? It clings to me to think that so many other people in the world battle with these same things. Families and marriages torn apart. Children separated from parents. People suffering on the streets because they're in bondage to substances and toxic choices; Satan has bound them in ignorance and sin.

This is why New You Ministries exists. Because God has called my husband and I to share the truth; to share the good news that Jesus saves, heals, and delivers. And not just partially, but totally, wholly, and completely.

We exist to set people free with the power of the gospel!

Today, I gladly live my life to serve God; to please Him, and thank Him with every breath and ounce of strength I'm given in this life. I aim to show the world that God is good, loving, kind, patient, merciful, faithful, forgiving, and that He is never done growing us into His perfect plan for our lives. I aim to reflect God’s love and that the Bible and faith can transform us. I'm not doing this perfectly, and I'm not aiming for perfection. I'm just aiming for Jesus.

I've experienced the resurrection life of Jesus Christ and the power of God working in my daily life on more than one occasion.

My story is proof that God saves, heals and delivers. Not just me, but anyone who's willing to believe in Jesus and surrender their life to Him.

I know that many of you are walking through your own trials; that you're believing for your own family members; that you're trusting God to see transformation in specific areas of your life. We are standing with you, and believing that the best is yet to come for each of you.

Let my story be an encouragement and a reminder to never give up on yourself or the people around you. And certainly, never stop believing in God and the truth of His Word.

The love of God is the most powerful force on earth and in heaven, and all we have to do to access this force is to believe. Believe in Him with all your heart, and seek Him with everything you have.

Brothers and sisters, let’s love God and the people around us like there’s no tomorrow. Praise God with me for everything He is doing in the world and in our lives! To God be the glory!

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes..." Romans 1:16 (NKJV)

Thank you for your love and support. It means so much to us. And thank you to our partners who enable us to share this good-set-you-free-news with people around the world. I pray that more people would hear the truth about the goodness of God, and be set free by the gospel!

I love you and I'm so grateful for you!

Stay Strong in Christ,

P.S. If you haven't seen the video of how God transformed my life, I encourage you to watch it here! 🙌⬇️✝️ Share this with a friend who needs some encouragement today. 🙏

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Erin Weisbrodt

Erin has a passion for helping others see their life transformed through the Word of God. Erin's personal journey, a remarkable transformation ignited by the power of God working from within, has inspired her to create resources that will help others experience the same freedom and transformation found in Jesus Christ. With a heart full of hope, Erin desires to empower others worldwide, sharing her experiences and offering a guiding light to those who dream of a life filled with purpose, joy, and divine transformation.

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