

Wisdom is the Principal Thing

July 22, 20242 min read

“[Wisdom] is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.” (Proverbs 3:15)

Dear Friend,

I thank God for you, for your faith, and for your steadfast love in the body of Christ. We need YOU!

This week, I've been drawn to the book of Proverbs, and meditating on wisdom. Proverbs is the book of wisdom, and it provides insight and instruction for the believer. Proverbs reveals to us what our lives will look like when we have a proper reverence for God (fear of the Lord).

I know that you know this, but fear of the Lord doesn't mean we're scared of God, or live a life in terror of what He might do to us. Fear of the Lord is living a life of utmost reverence for the King of kings and Lord of lords. God is above all else; He's the First and the Last, the Author of all creation, the beginning and the ending, the Alpha and Omega.

It amazes me that this awesome God is also love.

How fortunate we are to have this all-knowing, powerful God living on the inside of us, and that He created us to be in relationship with us. Revelation 4 tells us that God created everything for His pleasure.

Thank you, Father, that you want us; you are pleased with us; you long to live with us in loving harmony and intimacy.

This makes it so easy for me to fear the Lord; to live with God in His rightful place as Lord of my life; honoring His Word and will above my own. We have a loving God and we can trust Him. We can trust that His will is higher and better than our own. When He asks us to follow Him instead of our own path, we can trust Him.

When we lay down our life to follow God, our lives will be blessed and we will walk in wisdom. Proverbs tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)

If you have time this week, I encourage you to read Proverbs 1-4. These chapters eloquently explain the many benefits of walking in wisdom; some of these benefits include peace, long life, length of days, and healing in your body.

Let us remind ourselves today, that we serve a loving, good God. He is faithful to His Word and we can trust that He knows how to lead our lives to victory.

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)

P.S. I recently had the opportunity to have my testimony published through Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. I'm so grateful for the generosity of this ministry and the love of God on display here. Here's the video if you'd like to watch it!

With Love,

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Erin Weisbrodt

Erin has a passion for helping others see their life transformed through the Word of God. Erin's personal journey, a remarkable transformation ignited by the power of God working from within, has inspired her to create resources that will help others experience the same freedom and transformation found in Jesus Christ. With a heart full of hope, Erin desires to empower others worldwide, sharing her experiences and offering a guiding light to those who dream of a life filled with purpose, joy, and divine transformation.

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