

Strengthened by the Spirit

March 04, 20245 min read

“that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man;” (Ephesians 3:16)

Dear Friend,

Have you ever felt inadequate or unqualified in your day to day life? Maybe you're a parent, a businessman or woman, or simply trying to navigate life in this world.

I consistently find that I feel inadequate and unqualified on a day to day basis.

In the Kingdom of God, that is good news! When we are weak and we rely on God for strength and wisdom, He is able to show His strength through us.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Every time you take a step of faith in an attempt to obey God, He will strengthen your steps and give you His grace to help you. God's grace is His divine help and influence working in your life. When you are walking by faith to obey God, His power is working in your life.

This is how I overcame addictions to drugs and nicotine, and this is how I continue to walk out my new identity in Christ on a daily basis.

"God, help me."

This is the most simple prayer, but it's one of the most powerful prayers we can pray. Short. Simple. Surrender. This invitation to God is an act of surrender on our part. It states, "God, I don't know how to do this. Please give me your wisdom and ability to accomplish it."

After I pray this prayer, I turn my attention inward to my heart and mind, which is where God speaks to us. Within moments or days, I have wisdom, understanding, inner strength, or a solution that I didn't have before.

When God leads us, the next step is for us to follow His leading. Obey. Walk out His direction by faith.

This is where a lot of people stop following God because they don't see the end of the road. They can't see how taking this direction from God is going to end. But God is never going to give us the end. He will never tell you, "This is step A through Z, and it's going to go perfectly."


Because God requires faith. God is always relating to us by faith in the Spirit. We cannot understand the things of God with our natural mind or thinking. Which is why it's important that we renew our mind to His ways by reading God's Word, and by obeying His direction.

Dear one, every time you choose to obey God, you are receiving inside out strength. When you obey God by faith, you are being strengthened by the Spirit of God Himself to fulfill His will in your life.

This may not always feel comfortable to you, but it will get easier and easier every time you say "yes."


Over a year ago, I was invited to participate on Charis Daily Live Bible Studies through Andrew Wommack Ministries. This is a daily livestream to thousands of people around the world.

In the natural, I wanted to say "NO!" I was fearful and I felt extremely uncomfortable. But, I went home, my husband and I took time to pray, and I asked God, "Show me what you want me to do." By the end of three days, my spirit had peace, even though my body and emotions were screaming "NO!" I knew that this is what God wanted me to do.

I took a step of obedience (by faith), though everything within me felt weak. I trusted that if God wanted me to do this, then He would help me and strengthen me to do it well.

Today, I've had the privilege of hosting those Live Bible Studies for over a year, and I didn't die, pass out, or throw up due to nervousness. I just kept showing up, and letting God show Himself strong through my weakness.

As a result, I trust God even more, and He is using it for His glory. When God asks me to do something again, I will be able to say, "You were faithful then, and I know you will be faithful again."

God will strengthen you from the inside out every time you ask Him for help and take that first step of faith. It may not always feel easy to your mind and body, but on the inside, the Spirit of Jesus Christ is strong and willing (Matt. 26:41).

Today, I use this same principle for everything in my life. In my marriage, I ask God to help me honor my husband and to be a blessing to him. Personally, I ask God to help me grow spiritually, exercise consistently, and eat healthy. At work, I ask God to help me to serve with all my heart. In my relationships, I ask God to help me to be faithful, loving, and loyal.

God doesn't expect us to be perfect, and He knows that without Him, we can't do anything good (John 15:5)! We can only do good, love, and succeed in life by His strength working through us.

If you would like to hear more about being strong in faith, Chapter 10 in my book, "Hello, New You" talks solely about this topic, and it's available here.

God has given us everything we need to live a life of blessing, strength, and success, and He is looking for people who are willing to say "God, help me."

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro in all the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him..." (2 Chronicles 16:9)

I pray that this blesses you and strengthens you as you walk out your faith in Christ! To learn more about the power of Christ in you, watch my video series "Christ is Alive in You".

With Love,

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Erin Weisbrodt

Erin has a passion for helping others see their life transformed through the Word of God. Erin's personal journey, a remarkable transformation ignited by the power of God working from within, has inspired her to create resources that will help others experience the same freedom and transformation found in Jesus Christ. With a heart full of hope, Erin desires to empower others worldwide, sharing her experiences and offering a guiding light to those who dream of a life filled with purpose, joy, and divine transformation.

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