Dear Friend,
Can I ask you a question? Here it goes... After you became a Christian, did your life change?
Let me say it this way. Have you seen positive growth in your life since you became a Christian?
If not, don't worry! I'm here to help.
I am passionate about this subject of "life transformation" because I have tasted and seen the goodness of God. He is real and His Word is true. I have experienced a positive change in my life from being a hopeless, broken person to now living a life of hope, purpose, and satisfaction. It all came from being in a relationship with God. From that relationship, God taught me everything I needed to know.
When an ordinary believer like you and me, takes time to be in relationship with God and apply the Bible to their life consistently, they become a disciple of Jesus Christ, and their life becomes transformed. Jesus said it this way in John 8:
“If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (vv 31-32)
The word "continue" that Jesus used is translated from Greek which means: to remain, abide, continue, tarry, to continue to be present, to be held, kept, continually.
Have you "continued to be present" with the Word of God?
Have you remained in the Word until it's transformed your life?
If not, you need to start today!
"But Erin, I've already read the Bible."
That's great! But Jesus said, you need to continue in it. You need to remain in it, abide in it, and live your life in it! Why? Because that's how transformation happens. Day after day adds up, until eventually, you look up and don't even recognize the old you because the new you is so glorious!
In my new video series, "Christ is Alive in You" I share the keys to seeing transformation in every area of your life by becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. This simply means, abiding and continuing in the Word of God. When you do this, you will see freedom, growth, and transformation in your life, just like I did!
This is our mission at New You Ministries! To help the believer understand these truths and equip them to walk them out in every area of their life.
I expound on these topics in more detail in my brand new book, Hello, New You! Get my book on our website: and see all the resources available there.
Jesus knew that the truth in God's Word would set His people free...freedom that will transform your life, reveal your God-given purpose, and enable you to fulfill your destiny!
Also, be sure to watch my brand new video of this teaching! It's called "Christ is Alive in You - Part 2"
God Bless You!