

The Calling of God

April 22, 20244 min read

“Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.” (Ephesians 1:18)

Dear Friend,

God is doing great things in the body of Christ! Isn't it special to be a part of His church; part of something eternal and worldwide! God is using His body, the church, in mighty ways, and each member of His body has a special calling, a unique purpose that will help the whole.

In today's blog post I would like to share a couple updates with you about what God has been doing in our ministry.

First, my small group is growing! I've been leading a small group with beautiful women of all ages from different places, and we have so much fun together. We've been meeting once a month for the last 5.5 years, and we continue to grow! Please pray that we would have the perfect meeting place and space to minister to one another and hear God's heart for each one of our lives. This is a special group of women!

Second, Greg and I, along with the help of my faithful friends, have been busy filming! We are adding a Fitness Journey to our ministry website to help women with their fitness health!

If you know me, you know this is very close to my heart! Fitness tremendously helped me recover my life and physical health after being a drug addict for seven years. As you can imagine, that took a serious toll on my body and my emotional/mental health. Fitness and nutrition greatly aided the healing process in my body. Praise God!

After experiencing the life giving power of spirit, soul, and body health - wholeness in every area of my life - I set out to help others experience this same power of total transformation!

When I lived in Nashville, I had the amazing opportunity to share my passion with others as a fitness trainer! For several years, I got to teach, train, and coach others in their physical health. This was a dream come true, but I also had to lay it down for a season, trusting that God would allow me to use my passion again in the future.

Lastly, I'd like to share with you, our friends and partners, that it's very timely that we have a fitness membership on our website. In the last several months, I've had SO MANY women reaching out to ask for help with their fitness!

He is so good. It's hard for me to write this email without crying tears of gratitude.

This fitness membership isn't like the other workout videos you see on YouTube. I explain the foundations of fitness, and help build their physical health by adding videos every month that will advance their fitness knowledge and progress their muscular strength. Plus, I do all of this in godly, modest apparel, so if a Mom wants to workout with her husband or child, the whole family can join in. At the bottom of this email I included a picture of our filming set at the local gym!

It's amazing, too good to be true, that God would use me; my gifts, use the things that I'm most passionate about, to make a difference in the world.

I am one member in the body of Christ, and He is using me to help people! Wow!

I encourage you today, that God is doing the same thing in you! He is using your gifts, your talents, and your passions, to bring wholeness to the body of Christ.

“Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:15-16)

God's calling for your life is better than you could imagine or ask for, and it's something that you will enjoy, and that will fulfill your innermost desires.

Follow your heart. Pursue God like never before. This is a time for the body of Christ to press into Him, because He is doing big things on the earth. He needs you to pursue Him, so He can lead you to your destiny!

Remember, pursuing God, discovering your purpose, and following the desires in your heart are all topics that I discuss in my book and workbook.

If you'd like to check out these resources, or the new fitness membership, visit our website for more information.

I pray that God would help you and strengthen you to fulfill His good will for your life!

With Love,
Erin Weisbrodt

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Erin Weisbrodt

Erin has a passion for helping others see their life transformed through the Word of God. Erin's personal journey, a remarkable transformation ignited by the power of God working from within, has inspired her to create resources that will help others experience the same freedom and transformation found in Jesus Christ. With a heart full of hope, Erin desires to empower others worldwide, sharing her experiences and offering a guiding light to those who dream of a life filled with purpose, joy, and divine transformation.

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